Dealership Best Practices

Tech Update: Photo Watermarks and Feeds

Written by FlexDealer Team       | Oct 31, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Hello! We know that a lot of people like watermarks. We don't necessarily love watermarks, but we know why our dealer partners do, and that's what matters. That's also why we're here to work with whatever it is our clients like and not try to force them to do things our way. Our job is to find the solutions that you need!



So, here's the thing: if you have watermarks on your photos, that can be kind of problematic for certain ad platforms like Google and Facebook. If you're using watermarks, but these platforms don't want you to (which hint, they don't want you to), then you can count on us to help you keep your watermarks while still being able to post ads using these platforms. You're welcome!

We have added easy functionality on our outgoing feeds so that we can forbid the first photo in that feed from having a watermark. This means that you'll be able to get your feeds into these platforms and get your ads up efficiently - because speed to market matters and we're here to help. Try it out and see what we mean - and if you ever need a demo, don't hesitate to hit us up!