Car Dealership Marketing

Need Better Quality Leads?

We help car dealers generate better quality leads through localized SEO and highly-targeted digital ads that convert.

We Can Help
Your Dealership ⇨

1. Capture leads that close up to 10x higher

2. Increase total marketing return on investment

3. Increase leads and close deals without sacrificing profit

Is Your Dealership Struggling to Attract High-Quality Leads?

When it comes to driving more sales for your dealership, digital advertising and search engine optimization (SEO) are unmatched in their effectiveness.

However, you might be already aware of this. Perhaps you’ve invested in SEO or pay-per-click (PPC) before and only seen lukewarm results, despite bold promises.

Your dealership isn’t ranking high in Google search results.

You’ve poured money into digital ads without a noticeable boost in sales.

The marketing agency you’ve partnered with have failed to deliver on their commitments.

At FlexDealer, we specialize in turning these challenges around for car dealers, ensuring that every digital marketing dollar you invest works harder for you.

Our Process Focuses On 4 Proven Tactics

Many agencies fall short because they only target limited sections of search engine results pages, or they get caught up in “housekeeping” work that doesn’t map to results. At FlexDealer, we capitalize on every available opportunity to ensure your dealership attracts high-quality leads.

Strategy Creation

Our SEO and PPC strategies target high-quality leads, boosting car sales through enhanced visibility and driving actionable traffic to maximize your dealership's sales potential.

Digital Ads

Our targeted PPC Google and Facebook campaigns are designed to map directly to CRM-tracked outcomes, ensuring every click contributes to measurable increases in dealership sales.

Local SEO

We optimize your local presence and improve ranking in the map pack, which enhances your dealership’s visibility for nearby customers, improves foot traffic, and boosts sales opportunities.

On-page / Technical SEO

We optimize your website’s structure and content, enhancing the user experience, search rankings, and your site’s ability to drive more qualified traffic to your dealership.

Our Dealership Partners
❤️ Working With Us.

There’s a real vendor vs. dealer problem in retail automotive. With FlexDealer on your side, you’ll experience the most clear and realistic path to getting results online, while capturing better quality leads that close higher, often without having to change any internal processes.

Aaron Lange, Dealer at Lange and Fetter Ford
Craig Kalawsky, President Castlegar Toyota
Tustin Ulrich, GM Roper Kia / Roper Rangeline
Michele Streets, Rainbow Motor Sales

Ready For Better Leads?

1. Schedule Your No-Obligation Discovery Call

All it takes is 30 minutes. We’ll learn about your current and past marketing efforts, your competitors, and your marketing goals.

2. Receive Your Growth Roadmap & Recommendations

We’ll provide you with recommendations surrounding opportunities to get better leads from search engines and digital advertising, including investment amount and customized process for achieving results.

3. Get Better Quality Leads

When you say the word, the FlexDealer team gets started building your dealership’s campaigns. Most of our clients start seeing better numbers within 30 days.

Work With Us

Campaigns Starting At


Highly targeted search campaigns

Conversions that map to CRM

Top rankings in Google Map Pack

Top ranking in organic search

ROI tracking and reporting

Dedicated account manager

Not Ready To Work With Us Yet?

No problem! While you’re here, grab a free copy of our best-selling book that outlines the roadmap that has helped HUNDREDS of dealerships get more sales from search and paid ads.

Here’s How We’ll Help You Sell More Cars

Marketing in the retail automotive industry is cluttered, and full of empty promises. We’re helping car dealers by making the process of getting results clear, realistic, and achievable. No more ambiguous reports. No more fluff. Just a clear path forward.

We Guarantee Real Results No Matter The Size Of Your Market.

Meaningful results aren’t reserved for dealerships located in metropolitan areas. While other agencies are stuck doing the ‘busy work’, we’re here to help you land results that map to trackable outcomes in your CRM. From form submissions and phone calls to chats and in-store visits, you’ll know how much it costs to generate workable leads that close up to 10x higher.

Our Formula Works For Any Size
& Any Type Of Dealership

It’s not about the size of your dealership or market. A cohesive SEO and Paid Ads strategy that make all the difference.

Car Dealerships & Groups

Recreational Vehicle Dealers

Power Sport, Marine, Heavy Equipment

Why Work With Us

The retail auto industry is high stakes and fast-paced. You’re busy, and we know what you care about. Qualified leads that turn into car sales. Our entire purpose is to optimize your campaigns to capture new business opportunities, not waste your time with tire kickers.

Marketing Clarity

No more guesswork. You’ll know the exact roadmap to generate better leads.

Fully ‘Done For You’

We manage all your ads and SEO, freeing you to focus on your business.

Thought Leadership

Leverage our track record of over 20 years successfully growing dealership sales.


“We’ve Tried All The Others, And It’s Not Working.

I hear this all the time. The truth is that most agencies have gotten used to mandated OEM programs, or are taking advantage of your potential lack of marketing acumen. They show you fancy reports and hope you won’t ask questions.

I’ve worked with retail dealerships for nearly 23 years, and I have a good handle on what you care about. Selling cars. Not giving up gross. Net profit.

Not website traffic, colorful reports, or even leads in general. Car sales.

FlexDealer’s process revolves around helping you achieve that outcome. We’re creative problem solvers with a proven formula for success regardless of the size of your dealership or market.

We are not here to waste time or bill you for busy work. Instead, we’re here to help you get better opportunities to move more metal. Period.